Sunday Evening Ministries

The Josh Martin Band: “Wrap Me In Your Cross” 

On Sunday evenings we have an evening Bible study at 7:00. We have a class for everyone. We have three children’s classes, a youth class, and an adult Bible or book study.

The children use the Exploring the Bible curriculum offered by Lifeway. The adult study is more discipleship training centered, examining discipleship training books such as “I Am A Church Member”, “Autopsy of a Deceased Church”, and “I Will” all by Thom Rainer; “After Easter” by Jeremy Howard; the “Survival Kit for New Christians” by Ralph Neighbor Jr.; “Share Jesus Without Fear” by William Fay; “The Baptist Faith and Message Workbook” by Kelley, Land, and Mohler; and the “40 Days of Prayer Devotional Guide for Church Revitalization” provided by the KBC Church Consulting and Revitalization Team. Right now we are in “Tell Someone” by Greg Laurie. We believe its more important to know why you believe what you believe than to just accept things as fact without understanding the Biblical support and background. There’s a place for you on Sunday evenings at Robinson Creek! 

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